“What Does It Mean to Be Free?”

We thank our head elder, Denny Day, for contributing this article. What would life be like if you saw yourself as a free and joyful manager of all God has entrusted to you?

Michael Bonnell, the author of several self-help articles, wrote “I have often asked myself what it truly means to be free? What does it mean to be free and to break free from all of my own inner chains? The chains that restrict me and the ones that cause me to doubt my abilities.” Obviously, the answer to those questions are individually personal. Freedom is a gift that we Americans receive at birth. We have the freedom to choose how to apply this special gift, or we can choose to give it away.

You may ask, why would anyone want to give up their freedom? In actuality we can easily do it, and some of our friends and neighbors do it every day. The abuse of credit steals our individual freedom, and the ease of purchasing with plastic prevents us from being accountable stewards of God’s gifts. Our available financial resources dwindle as bills come due, leaving little to enjoy the riches life has to offer. The borrower is slave to the lender. We are no longer free.

Is it possible to escape this horrible fate, and once again enjoy the fruits of our labors? Yes, that is the objective of the Stewardship committee. Together, we can return to being God’s good stewards by getting out of debt, and focusing on the true meaning of stewardship—the free and joyful managing of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes. It flows from the freedom we’ve received in Jesus!

Proverbs helps us understand that knowing God is the key to wisdom. Listen to the thoughts and lessons from the world’s wisest man, and apply these truths to your life. Don’t just read proverbs: act on them. Live in the freedom God has intended for you. The minute that we start focusing on what we have instead of what we are missing in life that is the minute that we will be free.

Contrary to common opinion, stewardship is not primarily an annual campaign to raise funds for our church budget. It is the responsible management of God’s resources. When you once again regain joyful freedom, you will have the financial resources available to enthusiastically return your first fruits to God.

Your church council encourages interested members of the congregation to join us in planning programs for the benefit of our members. Please contact Denny Day or any member of the council to become actively involved in an exciting journey through programming that benefits all members of Hope.